Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Medicare Waiver Cuts Loom

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- If you think you're going to hike with Ron Habney, you'd better be prepared. The 6-foot-tall, 130-pound, 25-year-old treks an average four to six miles a day on some of the most challenging trails in Southern Indiana's Upland regions. Not everyday, to his chagrin, but multiple times a week. Last summer, on one 96-degree day, Ron hiked 9.4 miles through the Charles Deam Wilderness Area in two hours and 20 minutes.
So says John Willman, who knows. He's been Ron's hiking companion and caregiver for almost eight years now. "He's truly an athlete," John says of Ron.
Ron has autism, and John, who is not Ron's parent, is preoccupied with his fate. Ron's progress has paralleled the development of routines that suit his particular needs, Willman says. "For people with autism, that routine is comfort to them."
"The Medicare Waiver cuts, at least as thus far interpreted for Ron, will most likely mean an end to the activities that keep him happy . . ."

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