The book displayed caught my attention. My son and I were in the children’s section of the public library, just prior to the start of Hanukkah.
Nathan Blows Out the Hanukkah Candles was an amusing title – one that I could relate to. At past Hanukkahs, Kai has wanted to blow out the candles on our menorah.
I grabbed the book and quickly paged through it. It looked like a fun story. At a minimum, it was timely, and I thought that perhaps it would help my son learn a little more about the holiday we would soon be celebrating.
So, I checked the book out and brought it home.
It was only after I began reading it with Kai at bedtime one night that I realized that the title character was a boy with autism. I had unwittingly chosen a book that might spur our first discussion about autism with our son.
Dr. Garry Gautier has crafted an autism reversal program that can help reverse autism naturally. This has been proven to work in many cases. With this natural treatment for autism, you can recover from autism. People who had undergone these autism natural cures have better social skills than those who do not receive treatment.