Tuesday, April 27, 2010

TV Review: Measured Dose of Fact and Friction in "The Vaccine War"

There are no bad guys in "The Vaccine War," no hiss-worthy villains who make it easy to decide which side we’re on.
But that doesn’t make this documentary about the fierce struggle between vaccine opponents and public-health specialists any less engrossing. "Frontline" does its usual meticulous job in sifting through the scientific and medical evidence, while also making room for the wrenching human stories that make this such an emotionally charged issue. The show airs tonight at 9 on Boston's WGBH-TV.
Although "The Vaccine War" notes that scientific studies have found no connection between the vaccine and the disorder, parents such as the actress Jenny McCarthy, whose son was diagnosed with autism after a series of vaccinations that included MMR, have insisted that their personal experience shows otherwise.

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