Monday, March 2, 2015

An Aging Mom Learning to Let Go

Such an important story and we were happy to participate.
When Mary Kate Graham, 40, was a baby, people would often ask her mom if she thought something was awry, as the infant had trouble sitting up and changing position on her own, and was preternaturally quiet.
“I kept saying, ‘She’s just a good baby, can’t you believe that?’” Mary Kate’s mom, Maureen, tells Yahoo Parenting. She is sitting on the couch in the Brooklyn three-bedroom apartment she shares with Mary Kate, who is at her side. Next to Mary Kate is her older sister Meg, who lives four flights up in the same building with her husband and 8-year-old son. “God knows I needed a good baby — she was my sixth!” she adds with a throaty chuckle, and all three women burst into good-natured laughter.
But Maureen says she even rebuffed the professionals who noted her daughter’s stillness at a nearby early-intervention clinic, where she was already in the midst of having a school-age son assessed for a learning disability that turned out to be dyslexia. “I would just say, ‘There’s nothing wrong with her,’” she recalls. “Denial,” she adds, “was where I was living. 

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