MUHLENBERG, Pa. -- "We always try to teach that water polo is more than just a game. Kylah's made us realize that."
- Mark Falter, Muhlenberg girls water polo coach
Senior night for the Muhlenberg girls water polo team was down to its final three minutes when Haley Hoxsie, Allison Wade, Ashley Pulhman, Gabby Schaffer, Cortney Pelker and Lenae Parzanese were sent back into the water for a curtain call.
Joining the seniors for their last hurrah was a freshman, Kylah Schlott.
With about 90 seconds to play, Schaffer started a fastbreak. Her outlet pass went to Schlott, who caught it, took advantage of Schaffer's backside screen that shielded her from a trio of Pottsville defenders and let loose. From just to the right of the cage, about 5 meters away, Schlott scored, a clean shot that sailed past the keeper into the upper left-hand corner.
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